Dr. Carren Langford


Dr. Langford is a highly dedicated and patient-focused dentist with over 15 years of experience in providing exceptional dental care. Inspired by a childhood dentist who not only cared for teeth but also brought laughter, she knew from an early age that she wanted to make a difference in people's lives through dentistry. Dr. Langford's expertise lies in crown and bridge work, as well as Invisalign treatment.

What sets SkyeView Dental, Dr. Langford's practice, apart from others in the area is her unwavering commitment to providing top-notch patient care. For her, the most fulfilling aspect of dentistry is the ability to improve someone's health and quality of life through their smile.

Dr. Carren Langford
a white background with blue letters and a fork
French fries are my favorite food!
a blue and white logo with a circle in the middle
My favorite sports team is the Atlanta Falcons.
a blue and white icon of a movie clapper
Forrest Gump is my all-time favorite movie.

As a member of professional organizations such as the American Dental Association (ADA), Georgia Dental Association (GDA), and National Dental Association (NDA), Dr. Langford keeps herself abreast of the latest advancements in dentistry.

Dr. Langford believes that every patient deserves quality dental care and embodies this philosophy in her practice. Through SkyeView Dental, she aims to give back to the community, providing exceptional dental services that enhance the oral health of all patients.

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A woman holding a pair of scissors in her hands.
A woman in a white lab coat holding a toothbrush.
A woman in a grey scrub top smiles at the camera.
A woman in scrubs holding a model of a tooth.
A woman with a cross on her chest.